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ancient civilization电子教案

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英语作文《how to preserve ancient civilization》

vehicles take us where we want to go. We adjust a thermostat in our homes to make us warm or cool. These are everyday events we hardly think about. It t...

ancient egyptian civilization是什么意思


India is an ancient civilization with rich cultu

根据文章第一段1,2行India is an ancient civilization with rich cultural heritage (遗产), and its cultural heritage has something to do with all major rel...

golden age of ancient civilization是什么意思,


Some___of ancient civilization___discovered r

some records of civilization are discovered recently

we should protect the ancient civilization fr

试题分析:考查词组:正确结构为protect...from doing保护…免受…。由于ancient civilization与lost之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,要用被动语态,句意:他说我们应该保...

the ancient ___civilization A the Chinese B the

你好!C 这里是指中国古代文明 the ancient Chinese都是形容词 Chinese做形容词,中国的、中国人的 (The) Chinese中国人 China中国,前面不加the 百度教育团队【...

is known as the _ of the Westen Civilization

Ancient Greece is known as the B_ of the Westen Civilization。 Afather Borigin Cinitiaive D tradition 众所周知古希腊被认为是西方文化的起源 您的支持就是...

Ancient Greece is the ___of western civilization

a、origin 起源 由来 古希腊是西方文明的起源/发源地。

greek Civiliazation and Rome Civilization

Ancient Greece is where the European civilization comes from, which is larger than the modern Greece, including the Greek Peninsula, Aegean Islands, the...

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